Monday, January 27, 2014

3.1.4 Branch Functions

1. If the mini switch is not being pushed and it is wired normally open, the program will continue through the 0 node. 


 3. The lamp will continuously be lit if I1 is wired normally open and the switch is never pushed. 

4. Right click and manipulate properties 5. run program 

7./8./9./10./11. Input 1 (I1) is a potentiometer with an analog range from 42-5000


For these 5 questions, this flowchart was only manipulated slightly. 


1. It is important to include branches because the program can make decisions based on actions that you perform. 
2. A normally open switch is a light switch. It is open when it is off and closed when it 
 3. A normally closed switch is a store alarm. It is constantly on until someone types in the password and turns it off.

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