Monday, January 27, 2014

3.1.4 Branch Functions

1. If the mini switch is not being pushed and it is wired normally open, the program will continue through the 0 node. 


 3. The lamp will continuously be lit if I1 is wired normally open and the switch is never pushed. 

4. Right click and manipulate properties 5. run program 

7./8./9./10./11. Input 1 (I1) is a potentiometer with an analog range from 42-5000


For these 5 questions, this flowchart was only manipulated slightly. 


1. It is important to include branches because the program can make decisions based on actions that you perform. 
2. A normally open switch is a light switch. It is open when it is off and closed when it 
 3. A normally closed switch is a store alarm. It is constantly on until someone types in the password and turns it off.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

3.1.3 Basic Programing

 1. The best way to make sure that all of your devices are in the correct ports of the interface and have been wired correctly is to hit the test button at the top of the ROBOPro screen. 
2. The importance of labelingn block functions within a flowchart makes it easier for you to understand which motors are going and stopping.